Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Andes are Huge!

For scale, that is a double-decker bus next to the cliff in the corner. 
No sense of scale in this photo of the Andes in Argentina.

The white smudge in the background is Aconcagua.  See how much bigger I am than that! 
Aconcagua without me.  It looks bigger because it is.  Aconcagua is the highest peak in the  Western and Southern Hemispheres.

Everywhere we stop people want photos with the bikes.  This was in Los Andes, Chile.  Aconcagua is still bigger!

Grant likes cats.  Here is one in Chile next to the front tire of my bike.  


  1. los saludamos desde tucuman nuestro hogar, esperando que siga siendo un exito el viaje. un abrazo
